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The First and Only Gospel-Centered Adoption Agency on the Island

The first and only Gospel-centered adoption agency
on the island

by Steve
We would love to introduce you to The Grove's newest Global Partner, Adoptando en Puerto Rico. Located, in the northwestern part of Puerto Rico, Adoptando is led by Javier and his team. Adoptando is first and only Gospel-centered adoption agency on the island.

Many people view adoption as a response to a need. While it is that, it is so much more. When we begin to view adoption as God views it, we will have a passion for it like God has a passion for it. Adoption is not just a response to a need, but a response to God.

If you are fostering, if you have adopted or you’re interested in taking the next steps in reaching orphans, we want to hear from you. Fill out and send in the "Stay up to date on all things GroveGlobal" form on the GroveGlobal page.

Click on the short video below and meet Javier and hear about his passion and plans for ministering to those in orphan care.

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